Headline News
22 Oct 2020
DECATUR, Ill. (DTN) -- Chances are you get a blood pressure reading with each doctor visit. If that number is higher than it should be, steps are taken to keep the problem in check. The same is true of soybean cyst nematode (SCN). A simple test can tell you if nematodes are present and if management measures are working. Yet each year farmers ignor...
22 Oct 2020
OMAHA (DTN) -- Average retail fertilizer prices continued to be mixed the second week of October 2020, according to retailers surveyed by DTN. For the sixth week in a row, prices for five of the eight major fertilizers were lower, while prices for the remaining three nutrients were higher. The difference this week was prices for two of the three fe...
22 Oct 2020
DECATUR, Ill. (DTN) -- It only took a spark to get a fire going in Reid Thompson's cornfield this past week. Fortunately, local firefighters were immediately on the scene to extinguish the blaze started by a cigarette thrown by a passing motorist. Extremely dry conditions and wild winds whipped up a scary scenario across much of central Illinois. "...
21 Oct 2020
STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, Colo. (DTN) -- In an often shrewdly efficient business, the math of ranching doesn't always add up at 9,000 feet of elevation. The land is expensive, and the seasons are, as Travis Snowden puts it, "June, July and winter." Until you add in one major X factor. "It's sentiment," said Snowden, 32 years old, who ranches with his wife...
21 Oct 2020
David Hula listens to his ears. The Charles City, Virginia, farmer and corn yield world-record holder said taking time to really know a hybrid pays off in bushels. The Pioneer 1197YHR variety that produced Hula's 2019 National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) National Corn Yield Contest win of 616 bushels per acre wasn't the newest hybrid in the see...