Headline News
3 Apr 2020
By Emily UnglesbeeDTN Staff Reporter ROCKVILLE, Md. (DTN) -- A limited group of soybean growers using LL GT27 soybeans will soon have access to a corresponding HPPD herbicide, BASF's Alite 27 herbicide, which contains isoxaflutole. The GT27 soybean trait was developed by MS Technologies to tolerate applications of glyphosate and isoxaflutole. The ...
3 Apr 2020
By Emily UnglesbeeDTN Staff Reporter ROCKVILLE, Md. (DTN) -- A limited group of soybean growers using LL GT27 soybeans will soon have access to a corresponding HPPD herbicide, BASF's Alite 27 herbicide, which contains isoxaflutole. The GT27 soybean trait was developed by MS Technologies to tolerate applications of glyphosate and isoxaflutole. The ...
2 Apr 2020
By ShayLe StewartDTN Livestock Analyst The last couple of weeks have been hard on everyone. From the parents who had to find somewhere or someone to watch their children because they no longer are in school, to the oil field workers who have been laid off, to the cattlemen who have seen the prices of their calves become a fraction of what they shou...
2 Apr 2020
By Russ QuinnDTN Staff Reporter Last summer, my wife and I took our three kids to beautiful Branson, Missouri, for vacation. While we were down there, my sons and I toured the Branson Auto and Farm Museum. Among the tractors in the museum on the farm side was a Leader tractor, something I had never seen in person. I wrote a column about this brand ...
2 Apr 2020
By Alan BruglerDTN Contributing Analyst The end of March and end of June USDA reports have reputations for big price moves and volatility. We got some big price volatility right after the Planting Intentions and Grain Stocks reports came out on Tuesday, March 31, but the corn market didn't deliver the big change by the end of the day. That's becaus...