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Cash Market Moves

5 Jun 2018
By Mary KennedyDTN Cash Grains Analyst While the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's (FMCSA) 90-day electronic logging device (ELD) waiver for agriculture truckers expires June 18, one group has already been granted an extension until fall. When President Donald Trump signed the $1.3 trillion spending b...

DDG Weekly Update

4 Jun 2018
By Mary KennedyDTN Cash Grains Analyst OMAHA (DTN) -- The average distillers dried grains (DDG) spot price from the 39 locations DTN contacted was $171 per ton for the week-ended May 31, $1 weaker versus one week ago. Merchandisers noted that DDG trading has been quiet since the Memorial Day holiday weekend, and many have already sold product throu...

Iowa Runoff Continues Despite Strategy

4 Jun 2018
By Todd NeeleyDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- While state officials and others in Iowa celebrated the five-year anniversary of the state's voluntary nutrient reduction strategy this past week, a study from the University of Iowa shows the pace of nutrient runoff from the state contributing to hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico has increased since 1999...

Crop Tech Corner

4 Jun 2018
By Emily UnglesbeeDTN Staff Reporter ROCKVILLE, Md. (DTN) -- This bi-monthly column condenses the latest news in the field of crop technology, research and products. FDA GIVES GOLDEN RICE A NOD The international effort to release a strain of rice known as Golden Rice is nearing completion. On May 24, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) beca...

The Market's Fine Print

1 Jun 2018
By John HarringtonDTN Livestock Analyst Regardless whether you're a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or a card-carrying Mugwump, I think we can all agree that President Donald Trump is a man not afraid to change his mind. Of course, that's not to say that everyone would characterize this unique flexibility in the same way. What strikes some as be...
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