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Tax Reform and Farm Incomes

18 Dec 2017
By Jerry Hagstrom DTN Political Correspondent and Chris Clayton DTN Ag Policy Editor WASHINGTON (DTN) -- Farm leaders over the weekend praised Sens. John Hoeven, R-N.D., and John Thune, R-S.D., for writing an amendment in the final tax bill to address the elimination of Section 199, which allowed cooperatives to pass a deduction for production and...

Japan Beef Imports Rise

18 Dec 2017
By Richard SmithDTN Tokyo Correspondent TOKYO (DTN) -- Despite the Aug. 1 tariff hike from 38.5% to 50% on frozen beef, Japan's imports have continued rising year over year. While tariffs will hit U.S. beef shipments, recent trade agreements between Japan and Mexico and Australia will exempt supplies from those beef exporters. Japan Ministry of Fin...

Texas Senator Seeks RIN Cap

15 Dec 2017
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor OMAHA (DTN) -- Leaders in the biofuels industry wrote President Donald Trump on Friday after learning Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, had floated a proposal to the White House that would essentially cap prices for renewable identification number (RIN) credits at 10 cents apiece. The proposal from the Texas senator, ne...

Higher Funding Needed for Ag

15 Dec 2017
By Jerry HagstromDTN Political Correspondent WASHINGTON (DTN) -- A coalition of more than 70 agriculture groups sent a letter late Thursday to congressional leaders asking for an increase in the Agriculture budget for the fiscal year 2018 Agriculture appropriations bill on which Congress is working. The letter was sent to House and Senate Republica...

World Fertilizer - 5

15 Dec 2017
By Russ QuinnDTN Staff Reporter NEW ORLEANS (DTN) -- The development of specialty fertilizers has seen dramatic growth since 2000 as the fertilizer industry attempts to improve resource management and agricultural profitability while the world's population increases. This, in turn, has caused a busy decade of investment as fertilizer companies deve...
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