Headline News
30 Oct 2017
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor OMAHA (DTN) -- The starting gun for a flat-out sprint to pass a tax-reform bill was fired Thursday when Congress passed a fiscal-year 2018 budget resolution. The White House on Friday sent out an array of bullet points touting the need for tax reform and tax cuts. While the race is on to cut the corporate tax ra...
30 Oct 2017
By Karl WolfshohlProgressive Farmer Contributing Editor Graduates of a rural high school in the Texas Panhandle find lots of homegrown financial help as they graduate and move on to higher education. That's due to the generosity of Karl Nielsen, an immigrant farmer from Denmark who passed away in 1984. He left a section of farmland in Hansford Coun...
27 Oct 2017
By Jerry HagstromDTN Political Correspondent WASHINGTON (DTN) -- The House of Representatives on Thursday passed the fiscal year 2018 budget resolution that had earlier cleared the U.S. Senate, setting the stage for the Republicans to write a tax reform bill. The budget resolution will allow the Senate to consider a tax-reform bill without needing ...
27 Oct 2017
By Kathy Meyer Progressive Farmer Contributing Editor An army of scientists is hard at work to understand how plants sense, defend and adapt to harsh environments. "Plants can't relocate when conditions get tough. Survival relies on swiftly detecting changes and deploying the necessary defense strategies," explained Jian-Kang Zhu, distinguished pro...
27 Oct 2017
By Dan MillerProgressive Farmer Senior Editor "I'm sinking like a rock," Grant Corley, owner of Corley Seed Co., said, as he recalled a day in 2015 when he nearly lost his life. In the moment before Corley found himself in that quickly worsening situation, he had merely stumbled inside a bin he was vacuuming soybeans from to a truck parked outside ...