Market News
12 Apr 2017
DTN Midday Livestock Comments 04/12 12:14 Hog Futures Post Sharp Losses Wednesday Morning Sharp losses have quickly developed through the lean hog futures complex. This has allowed for pressure of $1.50 to $2 per cwt to quickly move into nearby and deferred contracts. Cattle markets remain mixed following the inability to hold early gains. By Rick ...
12 Apr 2017
USDA MARKET NEWS--AFTERNOON CATTLE REPORT 04/12/17 VOLUME USDA TOTAL RANGE DTN PRACTICAL RANGE WT AVG KANSAS CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: 159 WEEK T0 DATE: 159 STEERS 60 122.00-122.00 122.00-122.00 122.00 HEIFERS 99 122.00-122.00 122.00-122.00 122.00 NEBRASKA CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: 216 WEEK TO DATE: 292 STEERS 42 192.00-192.00 192.00-192.00...
12 Apr 2017
DTN Early Word Opening Livestock 04/12 06:04 Cattle Futures to Maintain a Firm Undertone at Midweek Clearly claiming momentum, live and feeder futures should open with solid gains, supported by follow-through buying and improving carcass value. Lean hog issues seem likely to open mixed with summer contracts probably outperforming both nearbys and f...
11 Apr 2017
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 04/11 17:09 Cattle Futures Explode to a Large Serving of New Contract Highs Live and feeder futures settled with wall-to-wall triple-digit gains, powered by sharply higher cut-outs, technical bullishness, and China hopes. For the most part, lean hog contracts closed moderately higher with the help of spillover buying f...
11 Apr 2017
DTN Chart Technical Points 04/11 16:30 DTN FUTURES 10 4/11/17 SLOW STOCHASTIC PRICES ARE DECIMAL MOVING AVERAGES RSI'S 5 Day 20 Day CONTRACT CLOSE 4-Day 9-Day 18-Day 45-Day 9Day 14Day 30Day %K %D %K %D CBTWT MAY 433.25 427.31 426.81 426.28 440.56 57.84 51.96 49.36 64 53 39 29 CBTWT JUL 447.50 440.38 439.69 440.01 454.39 59.00 52.51 49.53 69 55 36 2...