Market News
18 Jan 2017
DTN Chart Technical Points 01/18 16:30 DTN FUTURES 10 1/18/17 SLOW STOCHASTIC PRICES ARE DECIMAL MOVING AVERAGES RSI'S 5 Day 20 Day CONTRACT CLOSE 4-Day 9-Day 18-Day 45-Day 9Day 14Day 30Day %K %D %K %D CBTWT MAR 431.00 429.19 426.56 415.43 414.12 63.78 60.42 54.09 78 75 86 88 CBTWT MAY 446.00 443.31 439.61 428.17 426.84 66.69 62.44 54.96 81 74 86 8...
18 Jan 2017
DTN Midday Livestock Comments 01/18 12:06 Early Gains Erode at Midday Firm buyer support which quickly developed during much of the morning, quickly eroded at midday. The lack of follow-through buyer support and concerns that fundamental weakness is still firming has limited trader interest through the last half of the session. By Rick Kment DTN Li...
18 Jan 2017
USDA MARKET NEWS--AFTERNOON CATTLE REPORT 01/18/17 VOLUME USDA TOTAL RANGE DTN PRACTICAL RANGE WT AVG KANSAS CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: 357 WEEK T0 DATE: 357 STEERS 119 120.75-120.75 120.75-120.75 120.75 HEIFERS 238 120.75-120.75 120.75-120.75 120.75 NEBRASKA CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: 2,510 WEEK TO DATE: 2,510 STEERS 691 120.00-120.00 120.00...
18 Jan 2017
DTN Early Word Opening Livestock 01/18 06:04 Look For Meat Futures at Midweek to Open Moderately Higher Live and feeder futures are staged to open higher, supported by residual buying interest and ideas of further cash strength. Lean hog contracts should also open with a firm undertone and constructive fundamentals. By John Harrington DTN Livestock...
17 Jan 2017
DTN Chart Technical Points 01/17 16:30 DTN FUTURES 10 1/17/17 SLOW STOCHASTIC PRICES ARE DECIMAL MOVING AVERAGES RSI'S 5 Day 20 Day CONTRACT CLOSE 4-Day 9-Day 18-Day 45-Day 9Day 14Day 30Day %K %D %K %D CBTWT MAR 433.50 426.13 425.17 413.89 413.93 67.73 62.77 55.12 80 74 88 89 CBTWT MAY 448.25 439.88 437.75 426.50 426.66 70.45 64.67 55.92 78 72 87 8...