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DTN Early Word Grains 08/26 05:57

26 Aug 2015
DTN Early Word Grains 08/26 05:57 Grains Mixed Early Wednesday December corn was 2 cents higher, November soybeans were 5 cents lower, and December Chicago wheat was 3 cents higher. By Darin Newsom DTN Senior Analyst 6:00 a.m. CME Globex: December corn was 2 cents higher, November soybeans were 5 cents lower, and December Chicago wheat was 3 cents ...

DTN Chart Technical Points 08/25 16:30

25 Aug 2015
DTN Chart Technical Points 08/25 16:30 DTN FUTURES 10 8/25/15 SLOW STOCHASTIC PRICES ARE DECIMAL MOVING AVERAGES RSI'S 5 Day 20 Day CONTRACT CLOSE 4-Day 9-Day 18-Day 45-Day 9Day 14Day 30Day %K %D %K %D CBTWT SEP 495.00 501.00 500.53 502.28 531.80 41.90 42.48 45.22 52 55 34 32 CBTWT DEC 499.50 505.69 505.19 507.22 538.79 41.35 41.70 44.38 51 55 36 3...

DTN Closing Livestock Comment 08/25 15:16

25 Aug 2015
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 08/25 15:16 Cattle Futures Close Mixed; Lean Hogs Higher Live cattle futures closed lower Tuesday, while feeder issues were mixed and lean hog contracts were higher. By Rick Kment DTN Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: According to the closing report, the Iowa hog base is $0.04 lower compared with the Prior Day settlement ($72....

DTN Closing Grain Comments 08/25 13:39

25 Aug 2015
DTN Closing Grain Comments 08/25 13:39 Grains Mixed, Early Gains Fade Soybeans closed higher, corn and wheat lower after a quiet day of trading turned disappointing to bulls after Tuesday morning's promising start. Commodity and financial markets took comfort from news that China cut interest rates and soybean prices benefitted from a 7.7 million b...

DTN Midday Livestock Comments 08/25 12:00

25 Aug 2015
DTN Midday Livestock Comments 08/25 12:00 Aggressive Buying Continues in Lean Hog Complex Strong gains have redeveloped in nearby lean hog futures Tuesday as traders add to the already strong shift seen through the complex Monday. Early gains, which developed in cattle trade, have eased significantly as traders are finding a hard time attracting ad...
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