Headline News
21 Nov 2016
If you take a good look at the chart accompanying this column, you will see that the weekly DTN National Average Basis last week continues to hover well below average five-year values. It started out the new-crop year slightly above the minimum five-year average, but took a turn for the worse before the end of June and has never recovered. Simply p...
18 Nov 2016
By Bryce Anderson DTNMeteorologist OMAHA (DTN) -- The effects of a record or near-record warm and dry trend across the central U.S. region during mid-October to mid-November are prominent in the thoughts of NOAA Central Region forecasters and climatologists. Illinois state climatologist Jim Angel made that point during a news conference call Nov. ...
18 Nov 2016
By Lori CullerDTN Farm Business Adviser Growing up on a farm myself, I know that a 9-to-5 work schedule is not an option on the farm during peak seasons. But finding hired help that matches an owner's workaholic habits isn't easy. In today's world, families really struggle to find work-life balance and fit the needs of both parents and children. In...
18 Nov 2016
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor MINNEAPOLIS (DTN) -- China is well-positioned in South America to apply some leverage on the U.S. if grain and oilseed trade gets caught up in a trade dispute between the U.S. and China, a South American commodity analyst said this week. Soybean trade with China has become a bigger issue with the election of D...
17 Nov 2016
By Todd NeeleyDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday added 200 million gallons to the implied corn ethanol renewable volume obligations in the Renewable Fuel Standard final 2017 numbers. The move essentially puts the original law back on track for corn ethanol. The total RVO is finalized at 19.28 bil...