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USDA Reports Review

9 Nov 2016
By Darin NewsomDTN Senior Analyst The panic selling seen during the U.S. presidential election had lost its momentum in grains Wednesday morning, with soybeans actually climbing up about 6 cents at one point. Corn had crawled back to just above unchanged, while wheat gained 1 to 2 cents. Outside markets were a big help, mostly erasing Tuesday's ma...

Trump Wins Presidency

9 Nov 2016
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor WASHINGTON (DTN) -- In an election result that may have seemed unfathomable just two years ago, a restless and divided United States chose Donald Trump to be its 45th president. The election will go down as one of the most stunning and sweeping victories in U.S. history as Trump and Republicans took both the pr...

Kub's Den

9 Nov 2016
By Elaine KubDTN Contributing Analyst Writing started about 3,500 years ago, and we have the agricultural economy to thank for that. On hard-baked clay tablets, humankind's first writers carved little writing symbols, called cuneiform, and the very earliest examples of this writing depicted sheaves of barley and heads of cattle. In effect, the old...

Rethink Estate Plans

8 Nov 2016
By Marcia Zarley TaylorDTN Executive Editor SAG HARBOR, N.Y. (DTN) -- Deteriorating farm finances are complicating the transfer of farm ownership to the next generation. Farm parents and their successors may need to re-evaluate their previous expectations as cash flows shrink in this farm recession and proposed Treasury regulations limit the use o...

Todd's Take

8 Nov 2016
By Todd HultmanDTN Analyst By the time this column is posted Tuesday, the polls will be opening across the country to decide whether America will choose its first woman or 44th man to be the 45th president of the United States.* It is hard to imagine two more different choices and, as far as markets are concerned, the possibility of a Trump victo...
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