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USDA Weekly Crop Progress

15 Nov 2016
By DTN Staff OMAHA (DTN) -- The U.S. corn and soybean harvest continued slightly ahead of the average pace last week as the 2016 harvest enters the homestretch, according to USDA's latest Crop Progress report released Monday. The nation's corn crop was 93% harvested as of Sunday, down from 95% last year but slightly ahead of the five-year average ...

Todd's Take

15 Nov 2016
By Todd HultmanDTN Analyst Palm oil is not one of the usual topics I cover when talking about grains, but a week ago Tuesday was one of those days when it could not be ignored. The January contract of Malaysian palm oil futures had jumped up 2% overnight to a new contract high, and the soy complex took note. December soybean oil finished the day up...

Emergency Drought

14 Nov 2016
By Victoria G. MyersProgressive Farmer Senior Editor It's not uncommon to talk to Alabama cattlemen this year who have been feeding hay since September. Widespread fall armyworm infestations, followed by historic drought conditions, decimated normally lush forages in this part of the country. Pastures are nothing but brown, and brittle. Many prod...

Hoosier May Lead USDA

14 Nov 2016
By Jerry HagstromDTN Political Correspondent WASHINGTON (DTN) -- The agriculture community has expressed some puzzlement that President-elect Donald Trump has put Washington lobbyist Michael Torrey in charge of the transition at the Agriculture Department, because Torrey was not among the people listed by the campaign on Trump's agricultural advis...

Real Estate is Relief Valve

14 Nov 2016
By Marcia Zarley TaylorDTN Executive Editor INDIANAPOLIS (DTN) -- If you want a sneak peek at the conversations that will be taking place in lenders' offices this winter, study actual farm business records from year-end 2015, ag economists are warning. All signs indicate a number of Grain Belt operators have depleted their liquid reserves and will...
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