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Fat Matters

7 Nov 2016
By Victoria G. MyersProgressive Farmer Senior Editor Keeping cows on a 365-day calving schedule takes more than a good bull. It requires good body condition. Standards for scoring body condition go back years and are well-defined. "This is an easy tool to pick up, and there are detailed descriptions available," says Lisa Kriese-Anderson, Extensio...

DTN Retail Fertilizer Trends

7 Nov 2016
By Todd NeeleyDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- Average retail prices for most fertilizers continued to languish in the first week of November, according to fertilizer retailers surveyed by DTN. Five of the eight major fertilizers slipped 1% or less compared to a month earlier. On a national average basis UAN28 was a notable exception, settling at...

DTN Election Coverage

7 Nov 2016
By Greg D. HorstmeierDTN Editor-in-Chief OMAHA (DTN) -- For the past many election cycles, DTN/The Progressive Farmer has put high priority on covering the run-up to and the results of major voting events. The national election of Nov. 8 will be no exception. At no time in history, however, will the election be so watched, and certainly our covera...

Warnings on TPP Failure

4 Nov 2016
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor OMAHA (DTN) -- Despite all the anti-trade campaign rhetoric, the Obama administration is continuing its uphill push to get the Trans-Pacific Partnership through Congress in the lame-duck session. On a call Thursday afternoon, the White House Council on Economic Advisors issued a brief on the risks to industrie...

Weed Sense

4 Nov 2016
By Emily UnglesbeeDTN Staff Reporter ROCKVILLE, Md. (DTN) -- You're not the only one relieved to see those empty crop fields. Winter annual weed species are stretching out their roots and enjoying the newfound space of your harvested acres. Fall herbicide applications will be more important than ever this year, after resistant weeds made serious h...
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