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DTN Chart Technical Points 02/14 16:30

14 Feb 2025
DTN Chart Technical Points 02/14 16:30 DTN FUTURES 10 2/14/25 SLOW STOCHASTIC PRICES ARE DECIMAL MOVING AVERAGES RSI'S 5 Day 20 Day CONTRACT CLOSE 4-Day 9-Day 18-Day 45-Day 9Day 14Day 30Day %K %D %K %D CBTWT MAR 600.00 582.25 580.92 567.57 553.05 72.46 67.73 59.66 54 44 79 81 CBTWT MAY 613.50 595.88 593.72 580.64 564.97 74.23 69.10 60.40 59 50 82 84 KC WT MAR 621.25 600.94 599.86 586.19 566.81 73.10 68.92 61.49 53 37 76 79 KC WT MAY 632.75 611.75 609.92 596.15 575.93 74.32 69.87 62.09 57 40 79 81 MN WT MAR 633.50 620.81 622.78 614.49 600.96 67.38 63.94 57.49 41 32 75 79 MN WT MAY 649.25 635.06 634.56 625.06 610.16 72.44 67.82 59.56 53 45 81 83 CORN MAR 496.25 491.00 491.78 489.54 470.18 60.38 60.53 60.75 72 53 71 75 CORN MAY 508.75 504.19 504.31 501.03 479.38 62.13 62.31 62.18 71 56 79 82 CORN JUL 511.25 507.19 507.31 503.63 482.22 62.58 62.92 62.71 73 57 81 84 OATS MAR 337.50 335.31 347.08 350.93 346.59 40.13 43.02 46.08 8 7 11 37 OATS MAY 341.75 342.00 353.14 357.28 354.09 36.05 40.37 45.12 5 6 6 33 BEANS MAR1036.001034.311047.641050.041022.06 45.38 48.96 51.31 18 12 30 52 BEANS MAY1052.751051.441063.641065.011034.54 46.11 49.85 51.95 19 13 38 58 BEANS JUL1068.251067.311078.691078.891046.78 46.80 50.64 52.55 19 14 44 62 S MEAL MAR 295.90 294.83 301.10 303.76 302.92 41.47 44.11 46.76 13 7 12 27 S MEAL MAY 304.00 302.95 309.13 311.91 309.90 41.53 44.40 47.33 13 7 13 28 B OIL MAR 46.07 46.03 45.79 45.53 43.55 57.71 58.14 55.94 61 64 54 59 B OIL MAY 46.52 46.49 46.28 45.98 43.94 57.86 58.47 56.32 59 62 57 62 CATTLE FEB 197.75 199.03 200.54 202.45 196.69 37.39 44.91 52.46 11 16 28 37 CATTLE APR 194.25 195.63 197.13 199.87 196.64 35.86 41.37 48.46 17 19 9 14 FEEDER MAR 266.35 266.02 266.82 270.74 265.82 44.97 47.75 52.91 51 40 18 17 FEEDER APR 266.43 266.16 266.70 270.20 265.96 45.54 48.05 52.80 56 46 21 18 HOGS FEB 89.48 89.26 87.82 85.55 83.86 87.07 77.31 64.47 94 96 98 98 HOGS APR 92.60 93.25 92.20 90.73 89.26 57.10 56.83 55.99 65 77 85 86 COTTON MAR 67.11 67.20 66.67 66.74 67.72 52.91 49.40 45.90 64 71 60 45 COTTON MAY 68.31 68.33 67.81 67.88 68.86 53.78 49.85 45.85 68 73 60 44 RICE MAR 14.02 13.96 13.80 14.05 14.30 50.40 46.85 44.39 67 69 35 27 RICE MAY 14.07 14.04 13.92 14.17 14.46 47.24 44.36 42.66 54 58 28 22
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DTN Closing Grain Comments 02/06 14:00

6 Feb 2025
DTN Closing Grain Comments 02/06 14:00 Wheat Markets Push Higher Thursday; Corn, Soy Markets Quiet Grain markets took a breather for the most part on Thursday with the exception of wheat futures which were able to push higher without the negative influence from the soybean complex that held that market in check Wednesday. Overall, it feels like tra...

USDA: Farm Incomes Up in 2025

6 Feb 2025
MT. JULIET, Tenn. (DTN) -- USDA forecasts climbing farm income in 2025, but it's due to a dramatic increase in government payments, not better prices or a higher volume of sales. Net farm income, which is a comprehensive measure of farm profitability, is forecast at $180.1 billion, an increase of $41 billion, or 29.5%, from 2024. Net cash farm inco...

DTN Midday Livestock Comments 02/06 11:58

6 Feb 2025
DTN Midday Livestock Comments 02/06 11:58 Feeder Cattle Futures Tumble Lower Thursday Morning Active triple-digit losses developed across cattle futures Thursday morning as markets have continued to yo-yo through the week. Although the ability to bring some stability into the market midweek, this was not enough to solidify buyer support. Rick Kment...

DTN Midday Grain Comments 02/06 10:55

6 Feb 2025
DTN Midday Grain Comments 02/06 10:55 Wheat Futures Higher at Midday; Soybeans Lower; Corn Mixed Corn futures are narrowly mixed at midday Thursday; soybean futures are 1 to 2 cents lower; wheat futures are 8 to 11 cents higher. David M. Fiala DTN Contributing Analyst MARKET SUMMARY: Corn futures are narrowly mixed at midday Thursday; soybean futur...
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