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View From the Cab

26 Oct 2016
By Richard OswaldDTN Special Correspondent LANGDON, Mo. (DTN) -- "Been pretty nice weather out here." That's DTN View From the Cab farmer Jim Hoover's summation of last week around his farm outside Newport, Pennsylvania. It's been a challenging year for Jim and his family. Rains came too slow during the growing season, and he's seen evidence of th...

House Races Hold Wildcard

26 Oct 2016
By Jerry HagstromDTN Political Correspondent WASHINGTON (DTN) -- Only seven members of the House Agriculture Committee and the House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee have real races this election year, but the prospect for changes in membership on those committees in the next Congress is still great, depending on whether the House majority...

Kub's Den

26 Oct 2016
By Elaine KubDTN Contributing Analyst Earlier this month, many farmers were hauling newly harvested $3 corn into the elevator and wondering how they ever got locked into some high-priced land contracts. Meanwhile, two professors were receiving a prize worth 8 million Swedish krona for studying that very phenomenon. Specifically, Oliver Hart and Be...

EPA Probes Dicamba Use

25 Oct 2016
DECATUR, Ill. (DTN) -- The drama over possible illegal use of dicamba continues. The Environmental Protection Agency has confirmed that it executed federal search warrants at several southeastern Missouri locations as part of an investigation into alleged misuse or misapplication of dicamba onto herbicide-tolerant soybeans and cotton. The agency s...

Senate Races and Ag Policy

25 Oct 2016
By Jerry HagstromDTN Political Correspondent WASHINGTON (DTN) -- With the four Republicans and two Democrats on the Senate Agriculture Committee who are running for re-election likely to win another term, attention must be turned to who will serve on that committee and the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee in the next Congress. That's ...
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