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Crop Tech Corner

29 Apr 2016
By Emily UnglesbeeDTN Staff Reporter ROCKVILLE, Md. (DTN) -- This bi-monthly column condenses the latest news in the field of crop technology, research and products. A BETTER BT? A new technique that rapidly produces new Bt proteins is making waves in the entomology world. The technique, called Phage-Assisted Continuous Evolution (PACE), was devel...

Micronutrients On A Diet

29 Apr 2016
By Russ QuinnDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- Little things can mean a lot when it comes to crop production. Andy Barta believes micronutrients are one of the more cost-efficient inputs farmers can invest in these days -- even in the face of lower crop prices. Micronutrients such as boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo...

Farmer Battles Over Covers

29 Apr 2016
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor OMAHA (DTN) -- Kevin Glanz doesn't believe his crop insurance policy should be put in jeopardy because he's following a cover-cropping practice approved by USDA's Risk Management Agency. Yet Glanz has already been told his corn crop will face a quality control audit this growing season by Des Moines-based Rain ...

US Creditors to Abide by Stay

28 Apr 2016
By Todd NeeleyDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- Creditors in the U.S. will have to recognize Abengoa SA's standstill agreement struck in Spain with creditors and bondholders giving the company until Oct. 28, 2016, to reorganize its debts, according to a ruling handed down Wednesday by a judge in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware. T...

Cutworm Alert

28 Apr 2016
By Emily UnglesbeeDTN Staff Reporter ROCKVILLE, MD. (DTN) -- A nighttime vandal is sneaking through Midwestern fields. Black cutworms -- nocturnal corn cutting pests -- are already being spotted in fields this spring. Growers are being urged to scout carefully; particularly those who opted to plant conventional corn this year. Cutworm moths have ...
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