Headline News
24 Aug 2016
By Todd NeeleyDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- Abengoa Bioenergy's cellulosic ethanol plant in Hugoton, Kansas, could have a new owner by the end of October, an official with the company hired by Abengoa to sell the plant told DTN Wednesday in an exclusive interview. Mark Fisler, managing director of Los Angeles-based Ocean Park Advisers, the com...
24 Aug 2016
By Russ QuinnDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- Retail fertilizer prices tracked by DTN for the third week of August 2016 show price declines accelerating in recent weeks. All eight major fertilizers headed lower compared to a month earlier and all but one fertilizer has seen significant price drops. UAN28 is now 11% lower compared to the month p...
24 Aug 2016
By Chris Clayton DTN Ag Policy Editor and Pam Smith DTN Progressive Farmer Crops Technology Editor BLOOMINGTON, Illinois and NEBRASKA CITY, Nebraska (DTN) -- Crop scouts on the Pro Farmer Midwest Crop Tour came into the week wondering if USDA's August estimates could be right. The second day of tour made that question even more pertinent as variab...
23 Aug 2016
By Todd NeeleyDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- A federal judge last week dismissed claims made by a group of farmers in a class action lawsuit against Syngenta that the company should have done something to inspect and keep harvested Viptera and Duracade GMO MIR162 corn from being shipped to China. The action was at least a partial victory for Sy...
23 Aug 2016
By Todd HultmanDTN Analyst As scouts hit the road for this year's Pro Farmer Midwest Crop Tour, everyone wants to know what they will find and, more specifically, whether or not they will agree with USDA's national corn yield estimate of 175.1 bushels per acre. With as much effort and discussion as we put into estimating the 2016 crops, I had to p...