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Headline News

Open Record on IARC Process

31 Oct 2016
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor OMAHA (DTN) -- University and EPA scientists who took part in an international review last year that declared glyphosate as "probably carcinogenic" are facing more backlash than they likely anticipated. Scientists involved in the International Agency for Research on Cancer's controversial conclusion on glyphosa...

By the Numbers

31 Oct 2016
By Danny KlinefelterDTN Farm Business Adviser For nearly 40 years, I've pushed the need to use accrual adjusted income rather than cash basis income to evaluate a business's true profitability and cost of production. Accrual often leads cash in recognizing both downturns and upturns by two to three years. One thing I've learned from watching more ...

Cash Market Moves

31 Oct 2016
By Mary KennedyDTN Cash Grains Analyst The 2016 U.S. hard red spring wheat crop featured a high-grade profile, high protein content, sound kernel traits and improved functional performance, according to the North Dakota Wheat Commission's annual hard red spring (HRS) wheat crop quality report. Thanks to a near-perfect growing season after farmers...

Taxlink by Andy Biebl

28 Oct 2016
By Andy BieblDTN Tax Columnist I have written in the past about how the tax code contains special opportunities for farm tax returns that run in the red. With the ag economy continuing to suffer and with year-end tax planning coming up, it's time to take a deeper dive into utilizing these provisions. LOSS CARRYBACK RULES Generally, if a 1040 has ...

Taxlink by Andy Biebl

28 Oct 2016
By Andy BieblDTN Tax Columnist I have written in the past about how the tax code contains special opportunities for farm tax returns that run in the red. With the ag economy continuing to suffer and with year-end tax planning coming up, it's time to take a deeper dive into utilizing these provisions. LOSS CARRYBACK RULES Generally, if a 1040 has ...
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